True Sport Spotlight: Bill Crothers Secondary School

Bill Crothers Secondary School (BCSS), located in Unionville, ON, is no ordinary school. BCSS is a sport school that allows students the opportunity to be fully engaged in daily health and physical education (HPE), while being supported academically and championed in their individual sport pursuits. BCSS is a proud True Sport member that sought to enhance their True Sport engagement this year in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to remind students of why they play. True Sport complements the school’s culture and over-arching goal which is to inspire the love of sport through learning and the love of learning through sport.

Prior to the start of the school year, the HPE department updated learning objectives and assessment frameworks to include True Sport. As a result, HPE teachers have intentionally embedded True Sport into their classroom culture. One of the ways they do this is by recognizing students, at the end of each class or week, who best demonstrate the True Sport Principles and naming them as a BCSS True Sport Champion. This has created a positive snowball effect and students are stepping up to nominate each other! Senior classes also participated in a virtual Junior True Sport Champions training to learn more about how to model True Sport as leaders in the school.

Despite this very unusual start to the school year, BCSS continues to challenge itself to inspire positive change, focusing on the “Go For It” principle to set a daily expectation for students and teachers. “As long as we are giving our best selves in everything we are doing, we will be proud of what we produce and do.” Andrew McCutcheon, HPE department subject head.

If you would like to be in the True Sport Spotlight, we’d love to hear from you! Submit your story online or email us.